Early detection, the powerful strategy that brings us hope.

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Think about the eight women in your life you love the most; did you know there is a chance that one of them will develop breast cancer in her lifetime?

According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer represents 1 of 3 new female cancers diagnosed yearly in the United States. It is also the second leading cause of cancer death in women behind lung cancer; these are scary numbers!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, full of campaigns and programs to make conscious of the importance of preventing the disease, educate people about cancer risk factors, support associations and volunteering, and fund research or people treatments with donations.

Why is raising awareness so important?

Everyone should know that early detection is crucial in the fight against any cancer; therefore, screening is vital! When you find cancer in the early stages, before it has the chance to grow and spread, it is easier to treat successfully.

Self-examination is not enough.

Self-examination is a good habit but lacks precision, and we need sharp and trustworthy results every time. Besides, finding any bump means something is already growing in your body; when we talk about detection, early is better.

On the other hand, a mammogram is a better choice for accurate results and can detect tumors that are too small to be felt by you or your health care provider.

Be one step ahead in this fight and talk to your doctor to make a screening plan tailored especially for you. In addition, please raise awareness with your loved ones and the people around you!

Help yourself and reduce your risk factor.

Indeed, it would be awesome if you try to reduce the risk for breast cancer by making healthy lifestyle choices; each one of them adds up in your favor, for instance:

  • exercising more
  • keeping a healthy weight,
  • eating a healthy diet,
  • avoiding alcohol, 
  • breastfeed your babies if possible.

It is not easy, but you are not alone!

If you are already a warrior in this battle, please don’t lose hope; there are many support groups you can reach out to help you cope with treatment and concerns you may have.

Listen to your doctor, believe in yourself, and fight with all your strength; don’t forget we are all on your side.

Together we can!


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